Why I made it?
My grandpa was from Friesland, and tulips are an important part of Dutch culture. He passed away some years ago so I wanted to know the meaning behind a tulip and to know the perspective of other peoples opinions of the flower.
Tulips are a symbol of beauty and elegance the way the tulips bloom with bright colours . The blooming tulip is also a sign to show that spring is approaching. Tulips are often used to create creative displays in fields because of their bright bold colours.
Interesting Story
The folklore creature Amabie was presented in a field of tulips during the COVID 19 pandemic on April 10, 2021. Amabie was believed to be a deity of disease that could ward off the plagues. As a way to hope for a better year the Tanto flower park in Toyooka, Hyogo Prefecture displayed the Amabie with beautiful multi coloured tulips in a 300 square foot plot of land.
“Japan Photo Journal: 1 Million Tulips in West Japan Park Delight Visitors.” The Mainichi, 14 Apr.2021 mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210413/p2a/00m/0na/023000c#:~:text=Tulips%20form%20the%20shape%20of%20the%20Japanese,Toyooka%2C%20Hyogo%20Prefecture%2C%20on%20April%2010%2C%202021
“Origami Tulip.” YouTube, 1 Sept. 2012,
Tulips," the Main Feature of Spring in Toyama, Where Beautiful Flowers Bloom.” 【公式】富山県の観光/旅行サイト「とやま観光ナビ」